
While I am not too familiar with this controversy regarding the voice actors, I'd just like to add that should our tv.com and ANN sources contradict, ANN seems to be a more reliable source, considering that the info seems to be filled by the site staff, while it looks like anyone can edit the staff list at tv.com. --Pip25 07:56, 19 October 2008 (UTC)

But anyone can add/remove (or at least, report an error) in ANN as well ^^u I've done that once or twice there, specially for the Slayers REVOLUTION section, adding some seiyuu and episode titles --shansito 09:53, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
Well, then I'm officially out of ideas... Which one do you think is more reliable? --Pip25 12:33, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
I wouldn't take just one or the other, probably the best is to try to check it each time in several places, and consider which could be the right one. If that's not possible, we can always add something to the trivia section, saying that it could be one or another =P --shansito 18:30, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
Perhaps the best would be if there was a third site we could check, so if something is listed on at least two of them then we can assume it is valid. Is there another portal specializing in such info? Or should we use Wikipedia perhaps as the third site...? --Pip25 20:07, 19 October 2008 (UTC)